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O QUADRO CLIMBING PYRAMID é um kit de Construção Gigante com um total de 236 peças. Há uma variedade de modelos diferentes que proporcionarão anos de diversão dentro e fora de casa.
A CLIMBING PYRAMID's é uma pura aventura de escalada e é perfeita para o desenvolvimento motor de crianças, devido aos seus designs particularmente intensivos em movimento.
O sistema QUADRO PLUG IN torna a montagem e desmontagem rápidas e fáceis. As peças de plástico QUADRO de alta densidade são fáceis de limpar e não absorvem odores, pelo que pode utilizar a sua PYRAMID CLIMBING em qualquer altura. A CLIMBING PYRAMID utiliza uma grelha de 35 x 35 cm, ideal para trepar. As crianças podem concentrar-se com confiança nos seus movimentos, como o equilíbrio e a escalada. Ao mesmo tempo, a resistência, a flexibilidade, a força e o controlo corporal são todos promovidos.
Combine a PYRAMID CLIMBING com outra PYRAMID CLIMBING para criar quadros de escalada ainda melhores! É ainda possível combinar várias PYRAMIDAS CLIMBING e construir uma pista de obstáculos de escalada para as crianças.
Para uma diversão de escalada ainda maior, você pode combinar sua PYRAMID CLIMBING com qualquer escorrega QUADRO a qualquer momento. É necessário um conjunto de painéis (90910) para uma utilização correcta da PIRÂMIDE CLIMBING em combinação com uma corrediça.
O KIT UPGRADE já está disponível! Pimp sua PYRAMID CLIMBING e torná-lo ainda melhor!
- Recomendação de idade: 12 mo+
- Estabilizado UV / Resistente UV
- Amigo do ambiente / reciclável
- Fabricado na Alemanha
Even More Climbing Fun!
You would like to combine a slide with the CLIMBING PYRAMID? No problem! Choose your favorite slide, whether it’s the Modular, Curved or Integrated Slide — whatever fits your needs best. Find relevant design recommendations here: QUADRO Model Database: Climbing Pyramid
Featuring numerous Different Designs
Pimp Your Pyramid!
The UPGRADE KIT for the CLIMBING PYRAMID — now available!
Make more of it with a slide!
Transform your CLIMBING PYRAMID into the ultimate slide design with a second baby slide and 20 cm high baby steps. The combination of MODULAR SLIDE or CURVED SLIDE and the small baby slide (85 cm) is especially ideal if you are looking for a slide design for different age groups.
The Mega Upgrade Kit with slide and pool!
How about a completely cool design that provides refreshment on hot days? Save yourself the stressful visit to the water park and turn your CLIMBING PYRAMID into your own water slide! Of course you can also use the pool separately as an indoor ball pool or as a huge sandpit.
With QUADRO the next play idea lurks only one coupling :) further. And so the water slide model also has an 85 cm long baby slide for our little ones.
Many more combinations are waiting for your creativity!
Climbing Pyramid with Modular Slide
Or combine your CLIMBING PYRAMID with the QUADRO classic, the MODULAR SLIDE. Of course you can remove the MODULAR SLIDE at any time to use the original idea of the CLIMBING PYRAMID. The disassembly and reassembly works as often as you want thanks to QUADRO's PLUG-IN system!
Combine two Climbing Pyramids to make the Super Climbing Pyramid!
If you would like to combine two CLIMBING PYRAMIDS, just build the Super Climbing Pyramid for extremely long-lasting climbing fun. This combination, like everything from QUADRO, easily be extended with slides. Assembly instructions can be found in the QUADRO Model Database.
Two Climbing Pyramids with Upgrade Kit and Curved Slide or Modular Slide
If you have two climbing pyramids and your child is looking for new adventures after a year of growing motor skills, just rebuild your model and combine it with the Upgrade Kit and the Curved Slide. The result is a truly extreme climbing frame with slides, either for the garden or indoor play area.
The double slides from QUADRO for the mountain climbers!
The QUADRO double slides give you unique fun. Two slides are combined to double the slide length to a height of 165 cm!
During the development of the Modular and Curved Slide in the 90s, we created the basis to be able to combine both slides with each other. Our goal was to provide unique play possibilities to an age range of 6 months to 8+ years by reusing existing QUADRO designs in a new form.
This reusability only works if the quality is high, as there can be more than half a decade between purchases. This is also one of the core differences between QUADRO and the common disposable climbing frames, which become boring and take up space after a few months.
The double slide feature works perfectly with the CLIMBING PYRAMID!
More about the QUADRO double slides in the QUADRO Model Database.